They Make Me Proud I am a Catholic, This is Why?

Much has been happening in the Church, regarding homosexuals.  Do we accept homosexuals in the Church?  Do we accept homosexuality in the Church?

I really have been torn on this, as according to Church teachings, “The acts of homosexuality is a sin.”

I went to a friend who gave to me a couple of videos to watch, regarding this.  This is the conclusion I came to for myself and why.  I did this for myself, because no one can come to any agreement on it whatsoever.  Not even our Church leaders can.

Agree, do not agree.  Everyone knows that really does not matter to me.

Hearing their testimonies made me think a little differently.  

These people growing up knew they were “different.”  Different in a way which they knew would never be accepted by many. 

They all spoke of despair, loneliness, depression, being teased and tormented as a child, (mostly as a teenager) and not knowing what to do with it all?

Could they deny who they were to themselves?  The answer for them was, “No.”

Some turned to alcohol, drugs, sex with the same gender/or not, and many other things.

Something happened to them.  They found the Catholic Church.  They found the truth in the Catholic Church.  

They were accepted, loved, and were helped with the Sacraments, teaching’s of the Church, guidance of the Priest, and the love which came from those in the Church. 

The result of all of this was for them:

Knowing they are still a homosexual, giving up the “act” of homosexuality, and living a chase life for God and the Church.

When I heard them make these statements I knew my views and judgment on this had to change. 

Honestly, they are doing better than I am!

It was the Catholic Church, that allowed these people to experience the love of God in their lives. 

It was the Catholic Church, that gave to them the ability to stop which they themselves considered to be a sin.

It was the Catholic Church, which helped them to overcome their despair, loneliness, depression, and suicidal tendencies. 

It was the Catholic Church, who brought them to the love and mercy of God.

It was the Catholic Church, who let them be who they were, but in a way, that it no longer endangered their souls.

It was the Catholic Church, who brought them to freedom and truth.

I pray, after listening to their testimonies, that I will never take the Catholic Church for granted again.

She has actually become the most beautiful Church on earth to me, because of “these testimonies.”

Do I believe “the act of homosexuality is a sin?” 

Yes, and so do the people I am discussing here.

Do I believe adultery, abortion, sex outside of marriage and many other things are a sin?


I found out about myself through all of this, I have an easier time accepting those things in people, then I did of the “acts” of a homosexual.

You know, I did not like myself very much when I realized that.

I am not saying, “That every homosexual that comes into the Church, it is going to turn out this way for them.”

I am saying:

If they feel as if they are in sin.  If they are living a life of despair, loneliness, depression, and suicidal thoughts because of it. 

If they want love, understanding, help and guidance.

Who are we as Catholics, to deny them that?

We certainly do not deny that to those who have had abortions, or those who commit adultery, do we?

To these people in the video, our Church was the last hope they had.

Because they were met with the love of God, the love of those who were in the Church, and receiving the help they so desperately were seeking, everything about their lives changed.

This makes me proud they are a Catholic. 

They make me proud I am a Catholic.

God Bless, SR







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8 Responses to They Make Me Proud I am a Catholic, This is Why?

  1. jorichurch says:

    I really admire those who live a chaste life due to being homosexual or after divorce. And we need to read Romans 1 and 2 where Paul makes it clear that it’s not JUST homosexuality that is a sin. He lists things like “anger” and other things that we all do every day. So who are we to judge?? We need to all work out our salvation, and those who have to bear the cross of homosexuality and decide to live chastely are to be admired for their faith. Thank you for this post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • SR says:

      Hey Jori,

      It is so good to hear from you!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 Have thought about you so much!

      It was kind of hard for me at first, Jori. I was really torn as to what to believe. Due to a my friend and those videos, it placed it all in perspective for me.

      I have peace with it and my decision. So I know it was right. Exactly, who are we to judge, especially the soul of someone, or when it comes to “are they or are they not deserving of a Church?”

      I don’t think we are the ones to make that decision. Again so good to hear from you. Hope all is well. God Bless, SR

      Liked by 1 person

      • jorichurch says:

        Hey there, SR! Thank you so much for thinking of me. I’ve felt that, and I saw your comments. Thank you.

        I’ve been going through a very difficult time recently. I am moving to Maryland to live near my best friend and her girls, whom I love. Starting anew is hard, as you know. Things are finally settling down enough that I can read my email again.

        I still don’t have a good place to live. Would you mind please praying that I can find a good place for me and my dog Zoe? It’s worrying. Also, I’m concerned about Zoe’s health. She is older and her kidneys are becoming damaged. Plus, the stress is super hard on her mental health.

        How are you doing?? You are in my thoughts, and I’m saying a prayer of blessing for you and your family.


      • SR says:

        Hey Jori,

        I am so sorry to hear about all the things you have been growing through. Hope Zoe is doing better. I have six dogs so I realize how much one can love them.

        I am doing okay. Life is what it is, but God always gets me through the day. Praying for you and Zoe and that you find a home. Will be offering Mass for you tonight. God Bless, SR

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Scott says:

    If I understand correctly you are saying homosexuality is wrong but who am I to judge? That makes sense. Personally I know and love many homosexual people. I do think there was a point where they made the decision to be homosexual though often after a trauma. I know this is not popular but I don’t think gender issues are real. I think we all have feminine and masculine traits and it has nothing to do with our sexuality.

    Liked by 1 person

    • SR says:

      Hey Scott,

      Thanks for comment. I do not think it is so much about the “judging” part for myself, as it is, “Who am I to “deny” anyone of anything, when it comes to God?”

      I feel at times Scott, we can get our own opinions, views, what we agree or do not agree with and before you know it, we become so staunch in them, that we absolutely turn others away from God. Who are any of us to do that?

      I do believe as I said, the “act” of homosexuality is a sin. The Bible says it is. As I stated, “I also believe adultery and abortion are as well.” I would never tell those people who have committed such “sins” that, “They are not welcome in our Church,” or “You have no right to be here, because you are such a sinner.” So how can I do that to a homosexual?

      From listening to those videos, the Church was the only hope they had, to overcome their actions. I had just never thought of it like that.

      I do not know about the “feminine and masculine traits,” as “we all having them.?” You may be correct, but I do believe God made “male” and “female.” He made us each in a distinct way and manner. I have a hard time seeing us as sharing the same traits. Maybe you could explain that a little better to me, so as I could better understand the word, “traits.” Again thanks for comment and God Bless, SR

      Liked by 1 person

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