Three Ways to Give Mercy to Others

I ask God a lot for “mercy.”   I trust a lot in “God’s Mercy.”   Without it, I know I would perish.  

How often am I willing to give the same mercy I ask God for, to others?

How do I do it?

Jesus told St. Faustina, “I demand from you deeds of mercy, which are to arise out of love for Me./You are to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere./You must not shrink from this or try to excuse yourself from it.”

“I am giving you three ways of exercising mercy toward your neighbor:/the first – by deed, the second – by word, the third – by prayer./In these three degrees is contained the fullness of mercy, and it is an unquestionable proof of love for Me./By this means a soul glorifies and pays reverence to My mercy.”

We see a lot in this conversation between Jesus and St. Faustina, don’t we?

One of the things which hit me was the word “demand.”  Jesus does “demand” mercy from us to others. 

I love that He said, “Our deeds of mercy are to arise out of love for Him.” 

All of our deeds of mercy should not come from any other source, but “our love for Him.”

Jesus also told her, “Not to excuse ourselves or shrink away from giving mercy to others.”

I have really been guilty of this in my life, especially when it comes to the mercy of forgiveness, when someone has hurt me.  

I did not so “excuse myself” from it, but boy did I every “shrink” from it.  If I could just hold on to that anger and resentment for a few more days, who was it going to hurt?   At least I would get my point across, by maybe not speaking to them for a week, or doing something nice for them such as a prayer or deed?

Do not even expect a “word” to come out of my mouth to them, much less a “kind” one! 

I never think about in these moments if I would let lose of that pride, anger, and resentment, long enough to just do one of these act’s of mercy, how I would glorify and give reverence to the mercy of Christ?  How it would show Jesus, how much I love Him?

“Deed, “word,” and “prayer.”  Three simple things Jesus asked me to do.  I do not even have to do all three of them at once!  If I would just do one of them???

Let someone hurt me, and they are the hardest three things for me to accomplish.  It is so much easier to be mad and puffed up like a balloon, until a pin is stuck in me, and I pop!

When hurtful emotions begin to govern our lives, the one emotion which is so hard to accomplish is an act of “mercy.”  Especially, when it comes to giving and sharing it to/for the one who has hurt us.

The devil loves to keep us in these “hurtful emotions,” as long as we are willing to stay there.  I know some who have stayed there for a lifetime.

The most “non-hurtful” emotion we can have is our “love for Christ.” 

If we make that our “priority,” then our souls should desire to give glory and reverence to His Mercy, by giving a good “deed,” “word,” or “prayer,” to/for another.

God Bless, SR

Excerpts taken from:

Divine Mercy in My Soul
Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska



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11 Responses to Three Ways to Give Mercy to Others

  1. Pete says:

    Wonderful post that’s right on target and do needed in all of our lives. “Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy”

    Be blessed

    Liked by 1 person

    • SR says:

      Hey Pete,

      Thanks for comment. St. Faustina really helped me to understand how deep the Mercy of Christ really is. Yes, mercy is needed in all of our lives. I think the “key” to it is to do it out of “love for the Mercy of Christ.” For me, that makes it easier to do when I do not want to. Thanks for the Scripture and you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Love to you all. God Bless, SR


  2. Scott says:

    Amen. I really want Jesus to guard my mouth. He can start in my heart. I am thankful that you have a great heart Sandy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • SR says:

      Hey Scott,

      Thanks for comment. I know what you mean about the “mouth!” Mine can really get out of control sometimes. I do pretty good unless someone just keeps on and on at me. Then I blow, like a volcano.

      The main thing when we do that Scott, is to calm down ask them and God for forgiveness, keep praying to God He will help us.

      Mother Teresa said something one time which stuck with me. Someone had done something bad to her and he told her not to be angry with him. Her reply was, “How can I be angry with a soul which God loves so much.” I always try and keep that with me.

      You have a “great heart” also Scott. Thanks for telling me “I” do. You and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Love to you all and God Bless, SR

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Elizabeth Tichvon says:

    What a beautiful post on God’s ocean of Mercy, Happy Thanksgiving, SR! Love in Christ, Elizabeth

    Liked by 1 person

    • SR says:

      Thank you and welcome Elizabeth. St. Faustina is something else isn’t she? The conversations between her and our Lord, are so beautiful to me. I love your blog. God Bless, SR


      • Elizabeth Tichvon says:

        Yes! I’ve read her diary three times and each time is different, depending where I’m at on my faith journey. Thank you for visiting my blog, SR, I’m glad I discovered yours today as well! E.


  4. I Can Fly says:

    Oh, these words could not have come at a more needed day in my life. In fact, that hurt is on its way to my house right now, for just one more, one more restart in his life. But, now, Jesus and Divine Mercy will prevail. I feel it softening my heart as I read this post.
    I have these index cards at my kitchen table; one pink set, one yellow set. On each is one Rosary Mystery for me to meditate on for the day; and the other has my Pearl for the day. Today’s pearl was “find strength in the Lord. What an oppurtune time for this card to show up. But now, i have another card: deed , word, and prayer. And guess who just walked thru the door! God Bless you for this post. The Lord sent me right to it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • SR says:

      Hey ICF,

      I always pray God will bring those to my post who need them.

      I do not know your situation, but of course will offer Rosary for it. Just keep in mind as we all struggle with doing these “acts of mercy” especially for those who continuously swing our doors open and shut, “do it for the love of Christ.”

      I have found when I make Him the center of it all, it really helps me to accomplish mercy to others. Especially when I just do not want to. God Bless, SR

      Liked by 1 person

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